Tips for Mama survival of a hospital stay

1. Take a single bed camping mattress with you: Often there's a pull out couch for parents who are staying with their kids. You feel every metal bar and spring in these. I put my mattress on top. In the public wards (we've had public and private stays) sometimes you only get a reclining chair to sleep in. If you have a good camping mattress you can put this on the floor beside your child's bed so you can lie flat.

2. Yours & your child's pillow:  hospital pillows are covered in plastic and crinkle all night long.

3. Ear plugs: even in private rooms you can hear babies and kids crying in the other rooms.

4. Healthy snacks for you: Its boring being in hospital, so boring that Nice biscuits and hospital food starts to look appealing!! I bring fruit and oat biscuits and a little chocolate for a treat.

5. Laptop or iPad for yourself: At night, the TV is very bright and shines right down on your child's bed. I've found that having a laptop preloaded with things to watch means I don't disturb my daughter's sleep. Sydney Children's Hospital doesn't have digital TV and so access to kids TV is limited too. 

6. Bring a water bottle: the air-conditioning is so dehydrating!

7. Moisturiser: Air-conditioning again!

8. Trackies: I find the  air-con too cold all year round.

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